Terms & Conditions

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Who should become a member? 

Biochar Europe assembles and represents the active and aspiring actors of the European biochar & Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) sector. We involve the collaboration of companies from various industries, research institutes, and non-profits to drive defossilisation, sustainable carbon cycles, climate mitigation and adaptation through biochar policy, standards, research, market intelligence, and knowledge transfer. You should join us as a member if you want to support and actively contribute to our work in the sector with your time, expertise, and money. Examples of members include, but are not limited to:

Check out our members directory.

You are eligible for membership if you fulfill the following criteria:

What benefits and opportunities come with your membership?

What you get

Visibility and promotion 

Knowledge sharing 

Laboratory and certification discounts:

What you support

Advocacy for biochar:

Network and collaboration: 

For more information, see our work.

Membership does not entitle you to consultancy services on your biochar operations, but we are happy to connect you with relevant experts where possible and share our expertise within our capacity. 

Membership Categories Membership Fees  
  Revenue Class Annual Membership One-time Admission Fee
Business Membership
C1 > 100 M€ € 19.500 € 1.500
C2 30 M€ < rev. < 100 M€ € 11.500
C3 10 M€ < rev. < 30 M€ € 7.000
C4 5 M€ < rev. < 10 M€ € 5.000
C5 2 M€ < rev. < 5 M€ € 3.500
C6 < 2 M€ € 2.500
Startup, Biochar Entrant and Small Business € 1.650 n/a
Non-profit (Research and Development, Associations, etc.) € 1.000 n/a

  1. Startups in seed-phase who exist for less than 5 years and have less than 1 M€ revenue.
  2. Companies that are not active yet in Biochar but with plans or interest to become active.
  3. Consultancy and service companies with less than 2 Full Time Equivalents on Biochar; or operation of a small pyrolysis unit with less than 500 t production capacity.

Fee classification

Member’s rights and obligations

Membership renewal and termination 

For more information, see our organization’s statutes.

Ready to join?